This is my first chapter of the new Hogwarts, it is only by way of introduction, but for a start =) the Sorting Hat was who gave me my first disappointment. Harry had left me and I had been sent to Ravenclaw. Why I had sent to Eloa Gryffindor Hufflepuff with Daphne?
Although from the Hufflepuff table could see the complicity of Daphne, could not help thinking ... "For Merlin, what I only feel" . Surrounded by peopleute, s ...
You're not very outgoing. No? - A sweet little voice slowly out of my reverie - I'm Luna Lovegood. -
Boustead I am Christian and no, I open a lot of people, but quiet is only the beginning. You, however, seem very likely to speak with people, I heard your little voice aa good time swarming around. -
Yeah, well, nobody really has made me much attention, so I walked swarming, as you say. People look at me strange - something he said in his sad voice. -
should not do too much attention. Apart from that I do not look weird, I've always been of the opinion that the strange thing is more interesting than com & amp, desktop search, No, I guess that's why I did magician despite being the son of muggles. -
You're right. At all. No wonder they put you in Ravenclaw. -
Thanks - blushed. -
CHra is the question that you asked. Every day the question will be different so you'll be shown wisdom by which you have been assigned this house daily. So immediately procederéis to installing it, your belongings are next to the bed that you have been assigned.
After these clarifications for beginners we enter our rooms. I left my companion with a promise to meet by finishing
Common Room I promised to present to Daphne as baj & aacamp; about girls, ero! I am Terry Boot - said the first. -
heavy Terry The Boot - said the other and laughing - I'm Anthony Goldstein , but you can call Gold.
Boustead I am Christian and I guess you can call it as you like, but my friends often call me Chris or Bou.
& ndash, a voice came from the back of the room - Potter?
Yeah, you know?
course, everyone knows him, is the child who survived, although I sure I can be as good as him - he added with a high tone of arrogance that I did not like too -. CertainlyTMLXC
- And I'm Stewart Ackerley - said the last of them from his bed - but I do not like my name so I'd appreciate you to call me Stewie.
- Nice to meet you all, but I'd pick my clothes fast, I stayed with a friend in the Great Hall - said.