not dream anything but a few days ago I dreamed about my grandfather died, what does it mean to dream of someone dead? Does anyone know? It was weird dream about the fact that I dreamed it live and for some strange reason in my dream he told me it was my other grandfather (who is alive) but I knew that was not. The fact is that sleep does not remember much but what I remember is that he told me he had something like 50 or so (though he died more or less at 80 ) and he liked his life. Aftermy dream I started to think too much about, remembering things I had not remembered not for that dream, thinking about how my father and I me. I also remembered that the heart does not cry at his funeral and not because he wanted to, I think it was by the fact that he felt that he was long gone and that was the best (my grandfather died , with something like "Alzheimer's" was not the same), I remember just crying to see my father was broken by the pain but not because it hurt me in that moment but no longer feel anything & # xA0; hypocritical to think thatcould be misinterpreted the reason for my tears.
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